By Zan

It’s been a bit quiet here on the blog front but we are finally ready to start making some noise again! We’ve had lots of chats about our Playwork Campference and have set up a dedicated webpage for it, which you can find here.

We thought long and hard about the theme of this year’s Campference and have settled on the following – “Through the Woods: Choosing a Playwork Path”. It’s important to us that playwork is the focus of our work, so this is a meeting of minds to help folks make an informed choice when it comes to the playwork approach.

We’re also very pleased to announce that we’re putting out a Call for Presentations!

Yes, we’d like to hear about playwork directly from you! The one pager pdf can be found here, and the submission form is here. And here is a snippet of info from both of those wordy things:

Our theme of “Choosing a Playwork Path” emphasizes the complexities of putting theory into practice.  We want to hear the choices and compromises practitioners have made to keep playwork front and center, what opportunities they have seized and how.  What is a playwork path?  How is it found, created or followed?  We are interested in proposals including:
~ case studies of relationships and projects
~ illustrative explanations of key theories in practice
~ stories combining playwork and parenthood
~ practical skillshares, such as rope work and basic construction techniques
~ information from other fields, such as improvisational movement, social thinking or somatic therapy, which might inform or expand playwork

The deadline for submissions is 31st October 2018, so have a think about how you can contribute to the Campference. As always, if you have any questions, please email but please remember that only presentations submitted using the form will be considered. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

have a think about how you can contribute to the Campference