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Latest Adventures

Play Conflict: Why Conflict is Important in Play

There is a monster in my house. She is 3 ½ years old and her name is Eliza. When she scrunches up her eyes, nose, and mouth into the center of her face and growls, all other ferocious beasts beware. She is the toughest of the tough, until she laughs out loud and falls...

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Pop-Ups at The National Playwork Conference

By Zan This time last week, Morgan and I were road-tripping down to Eastbourne, right on the south coast of the British Isles. We were on our way to the 11th National Playwork Conference, hosted by Meynell Games. Both Morgan and I were presenting twice at the...

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Berkshire’s Ten Days of Play

Suzanna is driven mental by my failure to write blog posts about my Pop-Up Adventures..As such, I am now proud to share images from my recent trip to Pittsfield and to get them online! A couple of weeks ago I was at the Berkshire Museum to provide training and event...

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Pop-Ups Fund Raising @ Manchester Fort Game

By Zan Yesterday, Pop-Up Adventure Play held a fundraising event! We teamed up with gaming store Manchester Fort Game and made it a whole evening of awesomeness. I have worked at Manchester Fort Game on and off for some time, and when they found out that I was part of...

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Pop-Up Adventure Playground @ the Coop Academy, Manchester

It's been some time since I've lead on a project and worked directly with children. The last time I did, it was as part of the Queen's Jubilee, and in video-game-years that was an age ago! Today I get to excitedly talk about my two-day Pop-Up Adventure Playground at...

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Pop-Up Adventure Play and Marc Armitage

By Zan We're very excited and privileged to be working with Marc Armitage on his first US tour. It is a great partnership for the following reasons: 1) Marc Armitage is a great playworker He's been in the field for over 30 years both as a front line worker and as a...

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Popping Up Soon

By Zan We at Pop-Up Adventure Play are getting excited! It looks like 2013 is going to be another awesome year for us, and here are a few hints about what you're going to see us doing. Already, are planning on going to a school in the UK to do a mini Pop-Up which will...

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Adventures in Belgium

By Morgan I went to Belgium! It was as part of a Youth In Action-funded international training program and followed on from a trip I made to Leuven last February. Time for some adventures in Belgium - through play, of course! The organizer, Joost Capiau of C.I.S,...

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