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Latest Adventures

Reflections from the Playwork Campference: Part 1

By Morgan So, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but we hosted a Campference with Santa Clarita Valley Adventure Play in Val Verde, CA. It went pretty well. Welcoming folks at the Pacific Oak. Children played as we talked about playwork. Learning about ropes and knots....

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A Workshop in Evanston, IL

We were very pleased and excited to be hanging out very briefly with our friend and PDC student Yulia, in Evanston. It was going to be a short stop. Pop-Up's Morgan and I were presenting an interactive talk entitled "Let The Children Play: workshop on the amazing...

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Campference 2017: Free Film Screening

Team Pop-Up Adventure Play and Santa Clarita Valley Adventure Play are extremely excited to be having a free film screening as part of the Playwork Campference 2017. It will feature The Land documentary, about Plas Madoc Adventure Playground in Wrexham, Wales and also...

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A Playwork Awakening – Embracing 2017

As I headed down the jet-bridge towards the plane, something hit me. It wasn’t physical; it was emotional. I paused for a moment to check in with myself and regroup my thoughts. After a brief reflection, I ran through a mental checklist. Nerves, new places and the...

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A Year of Playful Numbers

By Zan This year has been a tough one for Pop-Ups Morgan and me. We had set out to get our heads down and into our playwork PhDs but unexpected things happened and we both had to turn our focus onto our families. Nonetheless, we still have many things to celebrate...

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The Next Big Adventure: Pop-Ups Canada Tour 2017

I can remember standing in the sun with my friend on a quiet beach in Vancouver, surrounded by purple sea shells and thinking to myself, "If I ever get the opportunity, I'd like to come back and spend more time in a country with purple shells." Pop-Ups Canada Tour...

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GUEST WRITER: Pop-Up in SW Florida, USA

Julia is one of our independent organisers who got in touch with us in October 2016 wanting to organise her own Pop-Up Adventure Playground. We sent her our free information pack for hosting her own event and 2 months later, we were able to enjoy her excitement and...

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Playworking Auntie: A Bouquet of Leaves

She noticed the fallen leaves on the ground and crunched over them as we walked along. Then suddenly she stopped dead and picked one up by the stem. She studied it briefly before picking up a second by the stem with the other hand. Waving them about like some sort of...

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SCVAP and Adventure Play in the USA

Santa Clarita Valley Adventure Play (SCVAP Adventure Play) dreamed of creating a space that allowed and encouraged vibrant, exciting, self-directed play opportunities for the children of Los Angeles, both then and as a future legacy. They dreamed of bringing their...

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