Happy New Year! We all have our favourite holidays. This one is mine – well, tied with my birthday, of course!
It’s a little cheesy to say that this is a time of reflection. A chance to consider the year ending and make renewed commitments to the one opening before you. Luckily, I love cheese! Cheddar, brie and sentimentality sprinkled all over my sparkling new 2016 calendar.
In 2015, Suzanna and I were lucky to spend a considerable chunk of time in each others company. From September to December we were living, eating, wandering, dreaming and scheming, side-by-side. It was an astonishing year and one we were very proud of. This was also the launching point for all sorts of plans which we’ll unfold here before you, like a bolt of bright cloth, in the weeks and months to come.
Suzanna and I were both spending a little more time in 2016 focusing on our PhD work. We were working separately but both under the supervision of Prof. Fraser Brown. I would be in Texas, doing fieldwork at the Parish School, occasionally blogging about that experience. Suzanna would be settled in the UK, blogging about her playful life here. We were taking a year off from major tour plans – but that didn’t mean we were slowing down! All our plans were focused on increasing the ways we could build support, encourage play advocates, and strengthen community links all around the world.
Our first announcement is a more official relationship with Pop-Up’s friend Erin Davis, director of ‘The Land!’ We’ve partnered with her before to deliver film + workshop events in the US and participated in Q&A panels after screenings in Philadelphia and Ithaca. Now, we’re going to be taking the film to select locations in the UK, and providing printed material within the DVD packs. We couldn’t be more excited about this. We want to encourage anyone who is interested in screening The Land with additional training or conversation support to get in touch with us or Erin directly.

We’re also going to be expanding our training offer, but oh! On that one my lips are sealed for a little bit longer.
Wherever you are, whether you’re reading this in the middle of winter or in summer’s heat, know that your friends as Pop-Ups wished you a bright, healthy, happy and yes, playful 2016! Tell us how you’ve been celebrating and share your stories with us here.
To read more from Morgan visit her personal blog here. To see regular updates from us, visit our Facebook page or take a further peek throughout our website.
By Morgan