Mar 26, 2019 | adventure playground, Build, campference, Children, Community, Guest Writer, Photos, Playwork, Playworker Travelling Fund, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pre-Campference, Structure, UK, US
Simon Rix has been in playwork since he was 17, taking roles at all levels in adventure playgrounds and advocacy for children’s right to play. We knew it was essential that his passion, experience and political context be represented in this young and growing...
Dec 12, 2017 | play conference, Playworker Development Course, Prioritizing Play, US
Discover the Transformative Power of Play: A Recap of the Inaugural Prioritising Play Conference in Illinois, USA, hosted by Pop-Up Adventure Play and KOOP. We were pleased to announce that together with our friends at Kid Owned and Operated Play (KOOP), we organised...
Apr 25, 2017 | Andy, awards, campference, play conference, Playwork, Pop-Up Adventure Play, thank you, US
Sadly, I wasn’t able to attend the National Playwork Conference this year having only just arrived back home from our Playwork Campference in Los Angeles. Luckily there was a live stream available. This allowed me to watch the awards whilst unpacking my rucksack...
Feb 28, 2017 | Andy, campference, Photos, Playwork, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Professor Fraser Brown, stories, US, weather
By Andy I can’t quite believe that it’s been over a week already since the Playwork Campference came to an end! What an amazing whirlwind it has been. As I get ready to depart the US and head back to Europe, I spent a moment reflecting on my experiences of...
Feb 11, 2017 | campference, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, press release, screening, US
By Andy Team Pop-Up has just arrived on the shores of California. It’s the first time the three of us have been together, in-person in over 15 months. We are so excited to work on the final preparations for the first-ever Playwork Campference in the USA! In...
Feb 7, 2017 | campference, Children, Play, Playworker Development Course, students, US, workshop
We were very pleased and excited to be hanging out very briefly with our friend and PDC student Yulia, in Evanston. It was going to be a short stop. Pop-Up’s Morgan and I were presenting an interactive talk entitled “Let The Children Play: workshop on the...
Dec 31, 2016 | Andy, photo, Play, Playwork, presentations, Reflection, risk, Santa Clarita Valley Adventure Play, US
As I headed down the jet-bridge towards the plane, something hit me. It wasn’t physical; it was emotional. I paused for a moment to check in with myself and regroup my thoughts. After a brief reflection, I ran through a mental checklist. Nerves, new places and the...
May 30, 2016 | Adventure Play, adventure playground, campference, car, loose parts, Play, Playwork, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, Santa Clarita Valley Adventure Play, Tour, tree, US
By Zan We have talked a lot about our focus for our Playwork Campference, about the focus on practice, and the emphasis on you. We haven’t yet told you much about where we will be doing this, and the delightful hosts of our event. Ladies and gentlemen, Pop-Up...
Oct 17, 2015 | Adventures, Australia, Costa Rica, flight, Morgan, Photos, Play, Tour, US, world
After Costa Rica, we travelled north for a brief visit with Erica, Jeremiah, and their son Dallas. We had visited them during the US tour in 2014 and recently saw their presentation in Ithaca on recent developments. They’ve been fighting hard against a proposed...
Oct 7, 2015 | adventure playground, Morgan, Play, Playworker Development Course, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Tour, US, world
This post took a few days to write. This was partly because we’re officially on tour now (next stop, Costa Rica!). Also partly because our last stop was a little overwhelming. Suzanna and I spent 6 hours in a rental car afterwards, discussing detail and...
Jul 1, 2015 | Adventures, Australia, photo, Play, Playwork, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Tour, US, world, Zan
By Zan A couple of years ago, I declared to Morgan that we would go on a tour of the USA. I’m not sure that she took me seriously. I’m not even sure I took myself seriously. But around 6 months later, we were sat in a tiny yellow car in snowy Massachusetts...
Feb 23, 2015 | adventure playground, Book, interviews, Morgan, Play, play advocates, Playwork, Reflection, stories, Tour, US, Zan
Over the past couple of weeks, Suzanna had often told people that we had a new book coming out and then looked over to me with a grin. That was because every time I thought about this work being public, out there and available, I would start to blush and panic....