Mar 26, 2019 | adventure playground, Build, campference, Children, Community, Guest Writer, Photos, Playwork, Playworker Travelling Fund, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pre-Campference, Structure, UK, US
Simon Rix has been in playwork since he was 17, taking roles at all levels in adventure playgrounds and advocacy for children’s right to play. We knew it was essential that his passion, experience and political context be represented in this young and growing...
Jun 5, 2017 | Canada, Child-Directed, fund raising, Play, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, press release, screening, Tour, UK, workshop
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pop-Up Adventure Play confirmed workshops and hands-on practical sessions with organisations and play enthusiasts across eight Provinces of Canada. Following the huge success of their 2014 US Tour and 2015 World Tour, UK-based charity Pop-Up...
Jan 3, 2016 | 2016, announce, Morgan, PhD, playful, Pop-Up Adventure Play, stories, The Land Documentary, training, UK
Happy New Year! We all have our favourite holidays. This one is mine – well, tied with my birthday, of course! It’s a little cheesy to say that this is a time of reflection. A chance to consider the year ending and make renewed commitments to the one opening...
Dec 4, 2015 | adventure playground, Children, Community, fire, Play, Playwork, playworker, Pop-Up Adventure Play, stories, Tour, UK, world
We are standing in a circle, facing a fire in the perishing cold. My face is hot and dry while sleet seeps through ill-considered jeans and trickles into my shoes. So it is for our End of the World Tour. On a hill, with a steel slide to one side and a view of brick...
Aug 16, 2015 | Andy, Children, dens, fire, food, Photos, Playwork, playworker, tree climbing, UK, weather, Zan
We were invited by the wonderful folk at LeftCoast to run a couple of Fire and Den Building sessions in one of the residential areas in Blackpool, UK. On this occasion, Pop-Up’s Board Member, Andy, came to assist on the session as we playworkers never work...
Nov 29, 2014 | Adventures, Australia, Children, children's day, Play, sponsor, Tour, UK
By Morgan What will you be doing, on the 17th of May? In case you haven’t heard, that’s the official National Children’s Day in the UK. Their theme this year is “the Science and Magic of Play” and we are proud sponsors of it. So, the UK...
Nov 7, 2013 | high street, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-Up Play Shop, survey, UK, Zan
By ZanWe have been working very hard with Adrian Voce to bring Pop-Up Play Shops to the high streets of the UK but we need your help. A few months back we were able to gain Big Lottery funding to work on an exciting project to find out how much demand there is in the...
Jan 22, 2013 | Adventures, event, fund raising, Global Network, Mini Pop-Up, Play, Pop-Up Adventure Play, UK, US
By Zan We at Pop-Up Adventure Play are getting excited! It looks like 2013 is going to be another awesome year for us, and here are a few hints about what you’re going to see us doing. Already, are planning on going to a school in the UK to do a mini Pop-Up...
Dec 30, 2012 | Belgium, Charity, Global Network, Largo, MoMA, photo, Play, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Reflection, street party, UK, US, Zan
At the end of every year, the holiday festivities always gave us a moment to look back on the last 12 months and reflect. For Pop-Up Adventure Play, 2012 really was some year! Read on for our pop-up play year review. In the US: In 2012, we held training in Largo,...
Jun 5, 2012 | Community, outdoors play, Photos, street party, UK
Our family has lived on this road for around 15 years. There are 11 houses and no-one has ever thought to get the 11 families together to do anything! So I took it into my own hands to get my immediate community together. I popped round to all of their houses and then...