Dec 23, 2014 | Cardboard, Child-Directed, Children, Guest Writer, loose parts, NYC, Play, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, Reflection
Pop-Up’s friend Alexander Khost is a parent, educator, painter, and web developer living in Brooklyn, NY with his two children, James and Oliver and his partner, Amanda. Alex has been active in mutual respect, child-led learning environments in various ways,...
Nov 14, 2014 | Children, experience, junk, Morgan, PhD, Play, Playwork, playworker, Playworker Development Course, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, Reflection, right to play, stories, training
Anyone who’s spent much time playing with children has had practice believing two seemingly-contradictory things simultaneously. This is a stick but also a sword for killing zombies. This is a striped grey rock but it’s also a prized treasure. There are a...
Oct 18, 2014 | adults, Children, Play, Playwork, Playworker Development Course, Reflection
We can’t quite believe it, but the Playworker Development Course has been going for over a year! Our course aims to provide tools to play advocates and gives a chance to use the playwork approach. Since the start of the course, we have worked with over 60...
May 12, 2014 | announce, Cardiff, Children, city centre, Morgan, parents, Play, Pop-Up Play Shop, Reflection, self-directed, toolkit
We used to hear a child screaming and grin at each other, knowing they were headed our way. When they arrived the child would be clawing at the straps in their pushchair, desperate to run around. The mother would drop her bag and head for the sofa, equally desperate...
Jul 10, 2013 | child-centric, Children, playful, Playwork, playworker, Playworker Development Course, Reflection, share
By Zan Pop-Up Adventure Play has recently created its very own Playworker Development Course. It’s a course where student playworkers have the space to nurture their instincts for playwork and learn more about the theory behind the practice. We encourage...
Dec 30, 2012 | Belgium, Charity, Global Network, Largo, MoMA, photo, Play, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Reflection, street party, UK, US, Zan
At the end of every year, the holiday festivities always gave us a moment to look back on the last 12 months and reflect. For Pop-Up Adventure Play, 2012 really was some year! Read on for our pop-up play year review. In the US: In 2012, we held training in Largo,...