Jul 25, 2014 | Children, Photos, Play, Playwork, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, Zan
It has been some time since I hosted a Pop-Up in my community so when my church friends approached me to help out with a cafe style event, I jumped at the idea of having a Pop-Up Adventure Playground. It’s new and unfamiliar territory to these folks, but I...
Jun 8, 2014 | Children, Global Network, parents, Playwork, Playworker Development Course, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, Tour, US
If you’re a regular reader here, you’ve been hearing quite a bit about our 2014 US tour (On the Road and Highlights from Tour). It was an amazing way for us to meet many of the people we’ve been corresponding with for years. People such as...
Aug 26, 2013 | adventure playground, Community, Morgan, parents, Play, Playwork, Playworker Development Course, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, tutor, Zan
We’ve been making pop-up adventure playgrounds, and helping others make them, for 3 years now. Our original idea was that they be a lightweight model for community-based playwork, focusing on playing and learning for parents and professionals, that they could...
Jul 10, 2013 | child-centric, Children, playful, Playwork, playworker, Playworker Development Course, Reflection, share
By Zan Pop-Up Adventure Play has recently created its very own Playworker Development Course. It’s a course where student playworkers have the space to nurture their instincts for playwork and learn more about the theory behind the practice. We encourage...
Apr 25, 2013 | blog, Children, Community, London, Play, Playwork, playwork principles, playworkers, Pop-Up Play Shop, symposium, Zan
By Zan The blog for the Shop of Possibilities has been one of my favourite blogs ever since I found it about a year ago. The updates aren’t regular, but the photos are always fascinating, and gives a little glimpse into the life of a possible world. So imagine...
Apr 11, 2013 | Global Network, Play, Playwork, Playworker Development Course, playworkers, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds
I’ve spent the past few weeks travelling. My goal was to help local groups advocate for children’s play. First, I visited Il Foro de Desarrollo Infantil in Bogota. For those who speak English, this is the Child Development Forum, In addition to the TV, print, and...
Apr 8, 2013 | adventure playground, Adventures, Photos, Play, Playwork, playworker, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, Zan
By Zan The last 7 days have been a bit busy but in a really good way. I thought it might be nice to share some of the stuff we get up to on a day to day basis at Pop-Up Adventure Play as well as share some photos from my exciting week. Monday In the UK it was a Bank...
Mar 11, 2013 | Morgan, Photos, Play, play conference, Playwork, playworker, Zan
By Zan This time last week, Morgan and I were road-tripping down to Eastbourne, right on the south coast of the British Isles. We were on our way to the 11th National Playwork Conference, hosted by Meynell Games. Both Morgan and I were presenting twice at the...
Feb 19, 2013 | Cardboard, Children, Play, Playwork, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, Zan
It’s been some time since I’ve lead on a project and worked directly with children. The last time I did, it was as part of the Queen’s Jubilee, and in video-game-years that was an age ago! Today I get to excitedly talk about my two-day Pop-Up...
Feb 14, 2013 | Keep Calm and Play On, Marc Armitage, Photos, Play, Playwork, playworker, Pop-Up Adventure Play, tickets, Tour, video, Zan
By Zan We’re very excited and privileged to be working with Marc Armitage on his first US tour. It is a great partnership for the following reasons: 1) Marc Armitage is a great playworker He’s been in the field for over 30 years both as a front line worker...
Dec 11, 2012 | Belgium, Children, Morgan, Photos, Play, Playwork, playworker
By Morgan I went to Belgium! It was as part of a Youth In Action-funded international training program and followed on from a trip I made to Leuven last February. Time for some adventures in Belgium – through play, of course! The organizer, Joost Capiau...
Oct 29, 2012 | adventure playground, Belgium, London, Morgan, Play, Playwork
By Morgan Greetings from London! I’m feeling tres international fabulous today, having rolled into London from Belgium. We’re working with C.I.S. on a Youth in Action EU-funded project called Play(ce) To Be. It’s intended to bring together people in...