Apr 24, 2019 | Charity, Children, Community, Just Play MCR, Manchester, photo, Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, Radcliffe, Volunteers, Zan
By Zan It’s been a while since I have written about my community pop-ups. The 19 Pop-Ups that we managed to host in 2018 were a real hit, so there has been a lot of anticipation for what 2019 will bring! So as not to inundate non-Manchester folk with local play...
Apr 2, 2019 | Adventure Play at The Parish School, adventure playground, campference, Houston, photo, Playwork, playworker
In the months leading up to Campference, we often found ourselves in deep email correspondence with folks who want desperately to attend but aren’t sure how. We want to help however we can, whether that’s talking through dietary restrictions or childcare,...
Jan 1, 2019 | 2019, Adventure Play at The Parish School, Adventures, Asia, campference, Just Play MCR, Manchester, Morgan, PhD, photo, play conference, USA, Zan
By Zan The coming year promises to be filled with adventure. Right off the bat, we are excited to be just over a month away from the second-ever Playwork Campference, a gathering of over 70 play advocates from 6 different countries in one of our favourite adventure...
Dec 27, 2018 | campference, Community, Morgan, photo, Play, Playful Schools Online, Playworker Development Course, Playworker Travelling Fund, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, support
By Morgan As I write this, it’s the little gap of time between Christmas and New Year, when the world seems cold and quiet. My notes say to talk about how Suzanna and I spent this year apart – no tours, no shared events, but instead focusing on home and local...
Nov 10, 2018 | adventure playground, Ali Wood, campference, Children, children's rights, interview, photo, Play, Playwork, playworker, Pop-Up Adventure Play
Introducing Ali Wood, a formidable presence in the UK playwork scene. She is akin to magnets or tides, wields subtle yet potent influence. Within a field often rife with macho posturing, she consistently advocates for reflection, compassionate listening, and a radical...
Oct 15, 2018 | adventure playground, Ali Wood, campference, Houston, Jill Wood, photo, Playwork, Pop-Up Adventure Play
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE HOUSTON, TX: On a three-acre site in West Houston, children ages 6 to 13, many with learning differences and communication delays, have constructed a three-acre homemade playground of their dreams. This past year marked a decade of growth and...
Jul 31, 2017 | adventure playground, Canada, Children, photo, Play, The Land Documentary, Tour, tree
The good people of The Lion and The Mouse run a summer camp in public green space that runs behind their building. It’s filled with tall grass, with little paths curling through and train tracks behind a border fence. Margaret and Gabby led us through to the Maples, a...
Dec 31, 2016 | Andy, photo, Play, Playwork, presentations, Reflection, risk, Santa Clarita Valley Adventure Play, US
As I headed down the jet-bridge towards the plane, something hit me. It wasn’t physical; it was emotional. I paused for a moment to check in with myself and regroup my thoughts. After a brief reflection, I ran through a mental checklist. Nerves, new places and the...
Dec 13, 2016 | Adventures, call for hosts, Canada, photo, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, Roadtrip, team, Tour, workshop
I can remember standing in the sun with my friend on a quiet beach in Vancouver, surrounded by purple sea shells and thinking to myself, “If I ever get the opportunity, I’d like to come back and spend more time in a country with purple shells.”...
Oct 7, 2016 | Adventures, Andy, photo, playful, Playwork, playworker, Pop-Up Adventure Play, team, Zan
It is with great joy that we’d like to introduce you all to a new member of Team Pop-Up Adventure Play: Introducing Andy Hinchcliffe! Andy has been Pop-Up Adventure Play’s longest-serving board membe. He has travelled to a number of locations with Morgan...
Sep 19, 2016 | Children, experience, Guest Writer, loose parts, photo, Play, play cycle, playday, Playworker Development Course, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, Zan
David is one of Pop-Up Adventure Play’s wonderful Playworker Development Course tutors. First as Pop-Ups Zan’s PhD friend and now as a colleague, David has been working hard to take playwork into hospitals using his specialism as a trained nurse. In...
Jun 14, 2016 | adventure playground, campference, Children, Erin, Morgan, photo, Play, The Land Documentary, video
In 2013, Erin Davis arrived at The Land with a film crew. Suzanna drove over for a visit, and put Erin and I on the phone to say hello. We didn’t get long to talk though, as Erin had to go suddenly as the children were “launching the boat.” The...