Dec 13, 2015 | Adventures, Community, moments, PhD, Play, playful, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Reflection, Tour, world, Zan
Pop-Ups Tour 2015 was an incredible journey, filled with playful adventures and unforgettable moments. Looking back, we reflect on the experiences that made Pop-Ups Tour 2015 so special. Since arriving back in the UK, things have been go go go. Morgan and I are both...
Dec 4, 2015 | adventure playground, Children, Community, fire, Play, Playwork, playworker, Pop-Up Adventure Play, stories, Tour, UK, world
We are standing in a circle, facing a fire in the perishing cold. My face is hot and dry while sleet seeps through ill-considered jeans and trickles into my shoes. So it is for our End of the World Tour. On a hill, with a steel slide to one side and a view of brick...
Oct 13, 2015 | Adventures, Bellelli, Community, Morgan, Photos, Play, Playwork, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, Tour, workshop, world
Hasta Luego, Costa Rica! I was typing this on our flight from Panama City to LA, in between stops 3 and 4 of our grand World Tour. We three were thrilled about this stop, allowing us to visit Carolina and tour Bellelli Educación. Carolina has been a friend of Pop-Ups...
May 29, 2015 | adults, Children, Community, free, independent organisers, Morgan, Photos, Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, register, support, training
We started hosting pop-up adventure playgrounds in 2010. Since then, they’ve been held in Australia, Bogota, Cairo, New York and in more than 14 countries all around the world, by Pop-Ups staff and by independent organisers. The response to these events and...
May 19, 2015 | Community, Morgan, Playwork, playworker, Playworker Development Course, Pop-Up Play Shop, tutor
As you know, we’re super excited about the Playworker Development Course. We’ve been running it for 2 years now with 82 students from 12 countries. In March, we were shortlisted for the Playwork Training Provider Award at the UK National Playwork...
Oct 31, 2013 | Community, Play, playworker, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, Tour, US, Zan
Our mission has always been to provide opportunities for child-directed play within a supportive community of adults. This means offering support and training to parents, professionals, and community members around the world whenever they reach out to us. After a few...
Aug 26, 2013 | adventure playground, Community, Morgan, parents, Play, Playwork, Playworker Development Course, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, tutor, Zan
We’ve been making pop-up adventure playgrounds, and helping others make them, for 3 years now. Our original idea was that they be a lightweight model for community-based playwork, focusing on playing and learning for parents and professionals, that they could...
Apr 25, 2013 | blog, Children, Community, London, Play, Playwork, playwork principles, playworkers, Pop-Up Play Shop, symposium, Zan
By Zan The blog for the Shop of Possibilities has been one of my favourite blogs ever since I found it about a year ago. The updates aren’t regular, but the photos are always fascinating, and gives a little glimpse into the life of a possible world. So imagine...
Jun 5, 2012 | Community, outdoors play, Photos, street party, UK
Our family has lived on this road for around 15 years. There are 11 houses and no-one has ever thought to get the 11 families together to do anything! So I took it into my own hands to get my immediate community together. I popped round to all of their houses and then...