I can remember standing in the sun with my friend on a quiet beach in Vancouver, surrounded by purple sea shells and thinking to myself, “If I ever get the opportunity, I’d like to come back and spend more time in a country with purple shells.”
Pop-Ups Canada Tour 2017
It’s been eight years since we dare think about that day, but it seemed like it was finally happening. Much like when we set up the USA tour in 2014 and the World tour in 2015, our friends in Canada were calling to us too. They were asking for us to visit them, to talk to them about play and connect them with playwork. To the uninitiated, playwork (in short) is a UK path of study and support of children’s play.
I was happy that day to be telling you about our next big adventure. Our Playwork Campference would be one of the highlights of 2017. But standing in the spotlight alongside it was our next road trip. Ladies and Gentlemen, we’d like to announce the The Pop-Ups Canada Tour 2017!
Yes, Team Pop-Ups would be driving across Canada in the Summer of 2017 running workshops and play events. If all went well, we would be starting on the east coast in Halifax. We would then be travelling west and finish at the Calgary IPA Conference in mid-September.
We were also very excited to announce that our midway stop had been confirmed and we would be hanging out with Team Manitoba Nature Summit in Manitoba in August. We would be delivering a workshop and a pop-up adventure playground while we were there. Therefore, stay tuned for more information about this little collaboration, and more!
Your invitation
Are you based in Canada and would like us to come and run a workshop and play event? Get in touch with me using suzanna@popupadventureplay.org.
Purple shell beach – I was hoping to come and see you again!