Apr 26, 2012 | moments, Play, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, video
I’d like to share a few lovely videos that we’ve made from Pop-Up Adventure Play moments. These moments capture the essence of what we do, in many different ways. 1) An Introduction to Many Moments This is a video that introduces Pop-Up Adventure Play to...
Apr 19, 2012 | Earth Day, nature play, outdoors play, parks, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, recycled materials play
Playing expresses our joy and love for Earth. Our playful selves skilfully repurpose everyday materials—cardboard recycling, tape, twine, and fabric. The simplicity and power of one child playing on his terms, a stockroom of materials, a supportive parent, and a third...
Apr 12, 2012 | imagination, nature play, Play, Sharon
At Pop-Up Adventure Play, we extensively discuss using everyday materials like cardboard boxes, wood scraps, fabric, rope and tape to create play spaces. Sometimes, play’s loose parts manifest in the ongoing narrative with a child, shaped by the immediate...
Apr 10, 2012 | Cardiff, Morgan, Pop-Up Play Shop
Welcome back, everyone, from all the various holidays. I’m happy to share with you all the exciting news that Pop-Up Play Shop Cardiff’s long-running appeals process with Cardiff Council Business Rates department has been won! After much deliberation – and...
Apr 2, 2012 | event, Morgan, parks, Photos, Pop-Up Adventure Play
By Morgan The little red suitcase pictured here – in Nonsuch Park, Surrey – is well-travelled and well-loved. I’ve taken it everywhere for the last year or so, through all my Pop-Up Adventure Play related bouncing around and popping up. It’s...