At the end of every year, the holiday festivities always gave us a moment to look back on the last 12 months and reflect. For Pop-Up Adventure Play, 2012 really was some year! Read on for our pop-up play year review.

In the US:

In 2012, we held training in Largo, Florida which resulted in a city-wide play day! We also hosted numerous small play events across the country, including in New York and Boston. We can’t forget that we popped up in MoMA and became an art installation for a day! We also made lots of friends in the US and encouraged others to advocate for play in their own way.

In the UK:

We set up our Pop-Up Adventure Play (UK) charity and began fundraising. We also ran very successfully Pop-Up Play Shops in Cardiff and Paignton. Around the UK, we held Mini Pop-Ups to celebrate various occasions like Sports Relief and the Queen’s Jubilee! Also, did we mentioned we might be in a book? More to come soon!

Our Global Network:

As the importance of play is spread across the world, so too did the name of Pop-Up Adventure Play. By the time Morgan came back from a training week in Belgium we had gained contacts in Costa Rica, Colombia, Egypt, Turkey, Italy, Mexico, Tanzania and Canada, as well as Belgium, UK and US of course.

For us, this was completely amazing. Our little organisation was just beginning to find its feet. People were already helping us to run! We couldn’t be more thankful!

It truly was a great year for us at Pop-Up Adventure Play. We thank each and every one of you for your encouragement and support as we prepared ourselves for another wonderful Pop-Up year.

Happy New Year from Team Pop-Up Adventure Play. And the two little people in a box.

pop-up play year review - two little people in a box.

Happy New Year from Team Pop-Up Adventure Play. And the two little people in a box.

By Zan